Conservation Minutes, January 14, 2014
A meeting of the Town of Hanson Conservation Commission was held on January 14, 2014, at the Hanson Town Hall, 542 Liberty Street, Hanson, MA. Members present were Chairman John Kemmett, David Harris, John Murray, Frank Schellenger, and Phil Clemons.
By motion made and seconded, the meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.
John Murray made a motion to approve the minutes of November 26, 2013 as typed. David Harris seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Alan Dias approached the Board with a Request for Determination of Applicability to fill an abandoned cesspool with sand within fifty (50) feet of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland at 301 Woodbine Avenue, Assessors Map 2 Lot 48 on behalf of the applicant Laraine Fitchett. Mr. Dias stated that this is a complete septic repair and the cesspool would be filled with 3 yards of sand. The septic system will be a mounded system located between 50' – 100' of the Bordering Vegetated Wetlands. Alan Dias requested permission to fill the cesspool using equipment prior to installation of the silt barrier. David Harris made am motion to approve the request and endorse the Request for Determination of Applicability. John Murray seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
The Commission reviewed the Annual Town Report. Phil Clemons recommended changes to the title of the Poor Meadow Brook Conservation Area. David Harris made a motion to approve the report with the revision. John Murray seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
The Commission signed the following bills:WB Mason/ InvoiceMACC/InvoiceJohn E. Delano & Associates/Invoice
David Harris made a motion to approve additional consultant review for inspection of erosion control for property located at 116 Woodman Terrace (DEP #SE175-637). John Murray seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
At 7:18 pm a public hearing to review a Notice of Intent was called to order. Mr. C.W. Garvey approached the Commission on behalf of the applicant Kathy Jo Boss with a NOI for the demolition of the existing Grange building and construction of a new building with new parking area, septic system and drainage system within 100 feet of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland at 782 Main Street, Assessors Map 41 Lot 15. The applicant proposes to demolish the existing building and construct a new one approximately the same size as the original structure. The area of the proposed structure within the fifty foot buffer zone is reduced in comparison to the existing structure. The leaching system approved by the Board of Health is outside of the 100 foot Buffer zone to the Bordering Vegetated Wetlands. The parking area and structure are within the buffer. The applicant proposes the use of a detention basin with a sediment forebay system at an elevation of 72 (bottom elevation 70) with 6" of stone rip rap scour protection. The roof drain leaders tie into the forebay system.
John DeLano conducted a review of the site on December 27, 2013 and witnessed a test pit dug in the area of the proposed infiltration basin. Soils were analyzed at that time and confirmed the assumptions made by the design engineer.
The drainage report shows the runoff rates for all controlled and uncontrolled discharges. The controlled runoff is the stormwater that flows through the drainage basin. The uncontrolled runoff is that which flows into Robinson and Main Street and the wetland by overflow. Analysis has confirmed that the post construction runoff conditions for both the controlled and uncontrolled runoff rates for all the required storms will be less than or equal to pre-construction runoff. The engineer has revised the plan to show a berm along the northerly portion of the infiltration basin. This berm will prevent the runoff from the northerly abutter from impacting the basin. Mr. Schellenger questioned whether drainage from the paved area to the streets from a commercial property is permitted by Town By-laws. He was informed that the paved area is outside of Conservation Commission jurisdicition, and the plan was approved by the Zoning Board of Appeals.
The revised plan shows an area between the new building and the easterly property line to be planted with mitigation plantings that are more appropriate for replicating the native 50' buffer to the BVW that exists in nearby undisturbed buffers. The applicant proposes mitigation in the form of 15-20 shrubs approximately 18"-24" tall. The waiver request for allowing disturbance of the 50' buffer is now justified based on the appropriate 50' buffer mitigation plan.
The erosion control barrier in the vicinity of the infiltration basin has been moved outside the 50' buffer. The area within the 50' BVW buffer behind the new building and easterly of the re-located ECB is now shown to be left undisturbed after the construction of the new building and removal of the old cesspool. An area for walking and maintenance around the new structure is shown on the revised plan.
After some discussion, David Harris made a motion to approve the variance request from the 50 foot setback. Frank Schellenger seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. David Harris made a motion to approve the standard Order of Conditions for this site. Frank Schellenger seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Jack Tobin approached the Commission with an Eagle Scout Project for consideration by the Commission. Scout Tobin proposed a Bat Box Eagle Project for the construction of bat boxes at the Robinson Street baseball field, Botieri Field, LZ Thomas field and at Camp Kiwanee. Scout Tobin made a presentation to the Commission on the benefit of bat boxes to the environment. The Commission was in support of the project and suggested that Scout Tobin approach the recreation committee for approval to place these boxes on their property. David Harris made a motion to support Scout Tobin with his project. John Murray seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Phil Clemons made a presentation to the Commission regarding updates to the projects he is currently working on. Mr. Clemons proposed that the Stone Property be identified in the future as "Poor Meadow Conservation Area". Mr. Clemons stated that he has received the state contract documents required for the grant and had them signed by the Town Administrator and the Conservation Commission and then returned to in a timely manner.
Mr. Clemons will be working on obtaining an Environmental Assessment of the property as required by the CPC. Three qualified vendors have been identified and a request for quote will be going out this week. Mr. Clemons expects answers by January 27th. The Town Administrators office has notified Town Counsel to commence a title examination of the property.
Smitty's Bog: Irene Winkler of the USDA/DCS is slightly revising the Wetland Restoration Plan of Operations to both assure adequate water is maintained within the bogs and will attempt to provide a solution to the Katydid stormwater drainage issue. Mr. Clemons has established contact with the chosen contractor New England Wetlands to work on the Kiwanee Phragmites removal, dates for work are being scheduled.
Veterans Memorial Town Forest: the proposed new boundary is staked and approved by the Town Forest Committee and Recreation Commission.
Smith-Nawazelski: Bay Circuit Alliance invited us to apply for grant funds to relocate the Bay Circuit Trail away from the power lines and off-road vehicle damaged ground surface (we would need planks and fasteners for several bog bridges plus signage for the trail). The damaged boardwalk in nearby East Bridgewater is also eligible for funds. The Trails Committee should co-apply and re-link the Bay Circuit Trail in both towns.
The Commission discussed the Camp Kiwanee Cranberry Cove Order of Conditions. David Harris indicated that the pipe is ½ full with sand and suggests reviewing the management plan to determine whether the work is being done according to plan.
By motion made and seconded, the meeting adjourned at 9:05 pmRespectfully submitted, Laurie Muncy, Town Planner/Conservation Agent
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