Conservation Minutes, November 26, 2013
Called to Order at 7:15 PM under M.G.L. c 131, §40 and the Hanson By-Law 3-13, §5 and Rules and Regulations by John Kemmett, Chairman, in Meeting Room A at the Town Hall.Present: John Kemmett, ChairmanJohn Murray, ClerkDavid Harris, MemberPhil Clemons, Associate MemberAbsent: Frank Schellenger, Vice ChairmanAlso Present: Laurie Muncy, AgentRebecca Nehiley, Administrative AssistantMinutes
Motion to approve minutes of November 12, 2013: David HarrisSecond: John MurrayVote: 3-0-0
Public Hearings
7:00 PM Notice of Intent for a septic upgrade with grading within 100' of the Bordering Vegetated Wetland at 120 Elm Street, Map 36, Lot 8H for Atone Andrews, Trustee represented by Foresight Engineering, Inc., 518 County Rd., Wareham, MA 02576 (DEP #SE175-0640) (New Hearing)
This hearing was opened at 7:15 PM. Mr. John Murray read the Public Hearing Notice and the abutters were verified. Mr. Darren Michaelis, P.E. of Foresight Engineering presented the proposal for a septic upgrade. He submitted a revised plan dated 11/18/13 and a DEP Bordering Vegetated Wetland (310 CMR 10.55) Delineation Field Data Form dated 10/16/13. Mr. Michaelis explained the upgrade was to be a raised system with a pump. They are also relocating a shed and removing trees outside of the Buffer Zone (bz). Erosion control is proposed along the edge of the lawn and depicts the limit of work. No work is to take place within the 50' bz. No abutters were present but the potential new owner, Mr. Greg Goulski was present.Ms. Nehiley asked if the garage was part of the proposal. Mr. Michaelis answered that it was outside of the buffer zone and he advised the new owner if he was to build it to include it on the as-built for the Request for Certificate of Compliance.
Motion to approve a variance for work within the buffer zone: Dave HarrisSecond: John MurrayVote: 3-0-0
Motion to approve and issue an Order of Conditions pending Board of Health approval: Dave HarrisSecond: John MurrayVote: 3-0-0
7:15 PM Notice of Intent for a proposal to abandon approximately 425 linear feet of 10" iron water main and replace with 12" ductile iron water main in Monponsett Street between 86 and 157 Monponsett Street for Richard Muncey, Hanson Water Dept. represented by OSD Engineering Consultants, 238 Bedford St., Unit 9, Lexington, MA (DEP #SE175-641) (New Hearing)
Mr. Murray read the Public Hearing Notice and the abutters were verified. Mr. Clemons recused himself from any discussion, other than answering technical questions, as he assisted with the wetland delineation of the project. Because Mr. Osborne from OSD Engineering Consultants could not make it, Mr. Muncey, Water Superintendent made the presentation for the proposal. He mentioned that the 50' and 100' buffer zones were depicted on the plan as requested. The work includes abandoning the current water main because it's too deep (over 15') and installing the new one at a depth of 5'. Mr. Kemmett inquired about the erosion control. Mr. Muncey said that they are proposing silt sock the entire length of the project from one end to the other. Mr. Kemmett asked if abutters had any questions. Those present were:
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Schneider, Monponsett Street – They had concerns with how long the water would be shut off. The last time, no one contacted them. Mr. Muncey answered that most likely it would only be a couple of hours. The work will take place in the spring and should take approximately two days.Mr. & Mrs. Jason Hook, Monponsett Street – Also had concerns with losing water. Mr. Muncey said that the water will be off only while they are making the connections.
Mr. Don Howard, Water Commissioner, introduced himself. He said there will not be a repeat of the problems they had last year with the broken main.
Motion to approve a variance to work within the 50' buffer zone: David HarrisSecond: John MurrayVote: 3-0-0
Motion to approve and issue an Order of Conditions: David HarrisSecond: John MurrayVote: 3-0-0
7:30 PM Continued Notice of Intent for demolition and construction of a single family residence at 116 Woodman Terrace, Map 70, Lot 59 for Bruce Beaulieu represented by James Engineering, Inc., 125 Great Rock Road, Hanover, MA (DEP #SE175-0637)
Based on Mr. John Delano's Review Letter dated 11/12/13, Mr. Gary James, P.E. submitted a new plan dated 11/25/13 depicting multiple layers of erosion protection that included a trench and a silt sock, an intermediate silt sock and a silt fence. A leaching pit was added to handle ¾ of the roof runoff. The only place he couldn't pick it up was the back right corner, about 200 sq. ft.. Mr. James said he could add a small plastic pit about 2 feet deep that would then infiltrate 100% of the runoff. Vegetation is proposed as mitigation strictly in the area to be disturbed. Mr. Kemmett asked if the mitigation was equivalent to the amount of disturbance in the 50' buffer zone. Mr. James answered that he proposed Holly, Juniper and Crab Apples specifically to address "food and cover" for birds and that because of the small lot size, that to plant any more, he would have to disturb even more of the site. Mr. James added that the large pine trees that they are removing represent a hazard. Mr. Kemmett asked for comments from abutters. Those present were:Mr. Don Porter – He was of the opinion that there are a lot of small pine trees growing there that will more than compensate for the large trees being taken down.
Motion to approve a variance to work within the 50' buffer zone: David HarrisSecond: John MurrayVote: 3-0-0
Motion to approve and issue an Order of Conditions with Special Conditions: David HarrisSecond: John MurrayVote: 3-0-0Discussions
Mr. Clemons commented that if a project comes before the Commission which requires mitigation and is a constrained site, we ought to think about other areas such as conservation land or some other town project that needs mitigation, located in the same watershed, that in doing so would help us to improve management of those properties. In other words, have "a bank of desirable mitigation sites to be added to our toolbox." Mr. Kemmett suggested that something like this be brought up to an applicant before the public hearing. Mr. Clemons agreed and said also, that this should not be done "in lieu" of mitigation onsite.Ms. Nehiley mentioned that a Notice of Intent was received for 782 Main Street (Grange Hall) for the demolition and construction of the building and a storm water management system. She asked that the Commission approve a consultant review by John Delano for the project which they did.Mr. Kemmett reported that he had a conversation with Ms. Joan Pierce, Purchasing Agent for the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife and she gave him the name of a Doug Cameron who is with the Public Access Board. She said he enjoys assisting communities in designing boat ramp areas and might have some funding available to do that. He would likely help pay for things like site work and parking areas. Mr. Kemmett will get in touch with her and get Mr. Cameron's contact information.On a final note, Mr. Clemons wanted to mention that NE Wetlands was awarded the contract for the phragmites removal at Camp Kiwanee and he will be in touch with them to find out what the project schedule is and to coordinate with them.
Old Business/New Business
Whitman-Hanson Express/Invoice – signedBoat Registration/Invoice – signedMileage reimbursement – signed
Motion to adjourn at 8:10 PM: David HarrisSecond: John KemmettVote: 3-0-0
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