Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Planning Board Minutes, December 9, 2013

Public Notices Planning Board Minutes, December 9, 2013

                                HANSON PLANNING BOARD
                        TOWN HALL, 542 LIBERTY STREET, HANSON, MA

  •        CALL TO ORDER – 7:00 PM
Members present:                Donald Ellis, Chairman
                                Patricia Glenn, Vice-Chair
                                Stephen Regan, Clerk
                                Joseph Gamache, Member
                                Joseph Weeks, Member

Also Present:           Laurie Muncy, Town Planner
                                Virginia Costley, Administrative Assistant


        Motion made to accept the minutes of November 4, 2013:  Joseph Weeks
        Second:  Patricia Glenn
        Vote:  5-0


        No appointments scheduled.

IV.             NEW BUSINESS

        Discussion on meeting schedule for January 2014 – Board agreed to meet on January 13 and January 27, 2014, if needed.

        The Board agreed that the Annual Report should be prepared by the Town Planner.

        Board members signed the invoice for Merrill Associates.

V.              DISCUSSIONS:

        Deer Hill Extension -  Release of the $32,000+ of the developer's money  has been prepared and  is ready to be signed by the Board.  Roadway was accepted at the May Town Meeting.  
        The subject of the placement of the three trees was discussed and Town Planner Laurie Muncy stated that the placement of the trees on the corner of Fawn Lane were not where she would envision them on the road layout, usually they are placed  in the lawn and seed area of the sidewalk and the road,  but overall the Board had no problem with the placement of the trees.  
        Motion to accept a release of a surety bond to Deer Hill Road Ext.:  Stephen Regan
        Second:  Patricia Glenn
        Vote:  5-0

        Medical Marijuana Treatment Center – discussion to designate an area for a center.
Per an article that appeared in the Boston Globe there are about 100 applicants vying for specific towns and counties.  Right now Hanson is not on the list, but has to consider what areas in the town would be conducive to a marijuana medical center.  
        Hawks Avenue (Litecontrol property – zoned Commercial) seems to be the best site as it meets most of the requirements – size, distribution, off the beaten path.  The concern with this site is the abutters may have a problem with a marijuana center close to their neighborhood.  
        Another site for consideration is the Industrial Park off Rt. 27 – this would give the town two choices.  Both sites would meet the requirements.  Vote by the Board is necessary to recommend a site for the public hearing.  

        Motion made for two possible locations for medical marijuana growing and distribution facilities to be located in the town and the two possible locations would either be the Hawks Avenue area and the second in the Industrial Park area off Rt.27: Stephen Regan
        Second:  Patricia Glenn
        Vote:  5-0

        The Board Chairman requested copies of the requirements/regulations that the State has for these facilities so the members can look at them.  Town Planner will scan in her copy which is highlighted and could be more useful to the Board members.   Board member Joseph
Weeks suggested the regulations be put on the website for the public to review and print off themselves.    Town Planner indicated that public hearings will have to be scheduled  - maybe put on next agenda.

                 REVIEW OF ZONING BY-LAWS

        Town Planner Laurie Muncy will be holding a public hearing on revising the Zoning By-laws per the request of the Town Clerk.  They will be reformatted, codified and indexed appropriately.  This will require a town meeting vote.  The hard copy has been done; a public hearing will have to be scheduled, Board will have to review the material and an article will have to be prepared for Town Meeting.  
        Before the final product is finished, Laurie will have Barbara Ferguson review them, because there may have been zoning changes prior to Laurie coming on board here that are not incorporated in her document.  These should be ready for the May town meeting.  

                ROAD ACCEPTANCES

        Town Planner Laurie Muncy mentioned that she would also like to work on road acceptances – especially some of the bad roads that need to be dealt with; Hemlock Hills  and Alden Way.  If these roads get accepted in their current state, money can be allocated in the future to do maintenance and repairs.   In order to have these roads accepted , a public hearing must be held first, then a recommendation made as a  Board  to Town Meeting, presented as an article for a vote and then the Chairman of the Board makes a recommendation at Town Meeting.


        Funding is available for reimbursement up to $5,000 for bike ramps.  Most of the spots looked at either already had the ramps or had them and ramps were not being used, especially at the schools as most students are transported by bus.  The "T" station does not provide any shelter, and the State recommends that sites like this should have a roof to protect the bikes from the elements.  The Town Hall property could possibly be a spot.  Along with the schools, other sites looked at were Boteiri Field,  L.Z.Thomas field, Robinson Field, also the Maquan Pond area.  This is something to think about for the future.

VI.             ADJOURNMENT

        Motion made to adjourn the meeting:  Patricia Glenn
        Second:  Stephen Regan
        Vote:  5-0

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