Saturday, February 22, 2014

Hanson Day event planned for Camp Kiwanee Sunday June 8th, 2014

The Recreation Commission and the town of Hanson are in the planning stages of creating a Hanson Day at Camp Kiwanee from 1 to 6 p.m., Sunday, June 8. The event is intended to bring all organizations together to highlight the town of Hanson and all it has to offer. Organizations will be able to set up standard folding tables with information about their particular organization. Sports leagues, civic organizations, churches, school groups, and business organizations are all welcome to join. Any nonprofit can also use this opportunity to raise money for their organization, including the sale of hamburgers, hotdogs, pretzels, or other food items. All booths and tables need to be approved by the Activities Group Organizational Committee. Please contact Administrative Assistant Nicole Campbell at at Camp Kiwanee to get details. The committee would like to make sure that we don’t have organizations trying to sell the same items.

  The committee is also looking for businesses or organizations that would like to sponsor fun activities for the citizens of Hanson. Things like a rock climbing wall, disc jockey, bounce house, or any other creative idea that people will enjoy. Donations are welcome and should be made out in care of Town of Hanson and In the memo section of the check please add “Hanson
Day” and mail to Recreation Commission, 542 Liberty St., Hanson, MA. 02341 “This is a great event for all the citizens of Hanson to enjoy,” said Town Administrator Ron San Angelo. “The Recreation Commission and the town are working hand in hand to bring the town together for an event that everyone will enjoy.”

“We are excited to show off our wonderful camp and all it has to offer the citizens of Hanson,” Campbell said. “Hopefully this will be the beginning of something special. It is clear that Hanson is a great community. It will be fun to see our organizations show us what they have to offer”.

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