Invitation to Bid - Hanson Fire Septic
The Town of Hanson, herein called the "the TOWN" or "OWNER", invites bids for a Septic System Replacement at Hanson Fire Station 505 Liberty Street, Hanson, MA. Bid specifications are available at the Town Hanson Selectmen's Office 542 Liberty Street, Hanson, MA 02341. A pre-bid site walk is scheduled for Tuesday, October 20, 2015 at 8 am.
Sealed Bids submitted on the furnished form for Upgrade of Existing Septic System at Hanson Fire Department will be received by the Town of Hanson Administrator's Office at Town Hall, 542 Liberty Street, Hanson, MA until 2:00 PM prevailing time, on October 28, 2015. At said time and place, the sealed proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud. All proposals must be in sealed envelopes bearing the bid title, date and time of bid opening, and Bidders' name and address.
The Work generally consists of: site preparation; upgrade of the existing septic system; removal and placement of infiltration basin; management of soil and debris off-site; and site restoration. The Contract Documents (Information for Bidders, Bid Forms, Contract Forms, Drawings, Specifications, Bond Requirements, Measurement for Payment Sections, and other Contract Documents) may be obtained from or examined at the Town of Hanson Administrator's Office at the Town Hall, 542 Liberty Street, Hanson, Massachusetts.
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Division of Occupational Safety has established MINIMUM WAGE RATES for this Project (included in the Contract Documents).No Bidder may withdraw his/her Bid for a period of thirty (30) days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, after the date set for the bid opening thereof. The Bidder's attention is directed to the time of completion of the Work as set forth in the Instructions to Bidders.
Project Description:This project generally includes the replacement of the existing septic system, including but notlimited to:
· Mobilization and site preparation;· Upgrade of the existing septic system;· Removal of gas trap leaching pit;· Installation of infiltration trench and associated piping;· Management of soil and debris off-site; and· Site restoration.
Bids must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond, subject to the conditions contained in the Information for Bidders. The amount of the bid deposit shall be five (5) percent of the value of the bid for the complete project, payable to the Town of Hanson. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish and pay for a Labor and Material (or Payment) Bond, issued by a surety company qualified to do business under the Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and satisfactory to the Town of Hanson, in the sum of fifty percent (50%) of the Contract price. Work of the Base Scope under this project must be substantially completed within forty five (45) calendar days of the date stipulated in the Notice to Proceed. Liquidated damages in the amount of $300 per day may be assessed for each day beyond the substantial completion date stipulated in the Notice to Proceed.
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