Friday, April 25, 2014


Hallie Ephron, 

writer, teacher and book reviewer, will visit the Hanson Public Library on Friday, May 2, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. for an evening book discussion. Ms. Ephron, three-time finalist for the Mary Higgins Clark Award, will focus her presentation on her new psychological suspense novel, There Was An Old Woman, a Boston Globe best-seller which has earned rave reviews. In There Was an Old Woman, a Evie returns to the quirky Bronx riverfront neighborhood where she grew up to find her mother's house in chaos. As Evie digs into the events of the past few months, a sinister thriller unfolds. A story of trust, betrayal, deception and madness. Award-winning Author Hank Phillippi Ryan describes this novel as, "Haunting. Compelling. And beautifully written. This insidiously creepy and eerily sinister tale twists and turns with suspense—and a surprise around every corner. Hallie Ephron is the queen of secrets—and the star of suburban noir."

                After her book talk, Ms. Ephron will answer questions and sign copies of her books, which are available for purchase at the Hanson Public Library. Light refreshments will be served. 

            This event, sponsored by the Hanson Public Library Foundation, is free and open to the public, but preregistration is required.  Due to the size of the room, registration is limited to 75 participants. Please call 781-293-2151 or email to register. We hope you will be there for what will prove to be a wonderful evening!

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