Thursday, March 13, 2014

Signs of Spring!

Well the signs of Spring have hit our street this week and as usual so has the trash!  It amazes me that in this day and age that people are still so disgusting that they feel the need to throw trash out of their car windows as they drive down the street.  I guess I should be thankful that none of my "treasures" had any urine in them!

Moving on tto a more interesting subject!  Walking thru the yard I find this unusual pattern on the ground.  My neighbor said it looks like mole tracks!

At least it wasn't aliens that I thought might have landed and left these tracks!  Very cool looking!

And I was thrilled to see that my daffodils
are starting to come out of hiding!

I look forward to these beautiful flowers every year.  And they seem to multiply every year also.  Here they are from 2010!  Can't wait to see them this year!

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