Friday, February 28, 2014

Roland Merullo Author Talk


            Award-winning author Roland Merullo will visit the Hanson Public Library on Sunday, March 2, 2014 at 3:00 p.m. for an afternoon book discussion. Mr. Merullo, author of 15 books including 10 works of fiction, will focus his presentation on his novel Lunch with Buddha, a wonderful travelogue named one of the Best Books of 2013 by Kirkus Reviews.Lunch with Buddha takes readers on the quintessentially American road trip across the American Northwest: through Washington State, across the Idaho Panhandle and Montana and into North Dakota. "That outer journey, complete with good and bad meals, various outdoor adventures, and an amusing cast of quirky characters, mirrors a more interior journey--a quest for meaning in the hectic routine of modern life" (AJAR Contemporaries). Kirkus Magazine called this book "a beautifully written and compelling story about a man's search for meaning that earnestly and accessibly tackles some well-trodden but universal questions. A quiet meditation on life, death, darkness and spirituality, sprinkled with humor, tenderness and stunning landscapes."

            After his book talk, Mr. Merullo will answer questions and sign copies of his books, which are available for purchase at the Hanson Public Library. Light refreshments, provided by Whole Foods of Weymouth, will be served. 

            This event, sponsored by the Hanson Public Library Foundation, is free and open to the public, but preregistration is required.  Due to the size of the room, registration is limited to 75 participants. Please call 781-293-2151 or email to register. We hope you will be there for what will prove to be a wonderful afternoon!

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