Thursday, January 27, 2011

Assistance for Seniors & Infirmed

If you know of a senior or infirmed person, who may need assistance during emergencies, please contact Mary Collins at the Hanson Senior Center 781-293-2683 x7.

The Hanson Senior Center maintains a list of persons who may be seniors, elderly, infirmed, homebound and/or frail to help the Town provide assistance to them during various emergencies, including snowstorms, to ensure that services may still provided to them as needed.  This information becomes crucial during power outages where the need to have back up or emergency electricity may be required (such as in-home dialysis, etc.) or other needs medical needs (such as oxygen or other medicinal needs).

Thus, as a result of this seasons storms, and in an effort to assist the Senior Center's public outreach campaign, we are in the process of ensuring that our efforts with regard to providing assistance to these residents are met.  Therefore, we are asking that if any resident who may fall into one of these categories (or if people know of Hanson residents that may need this type of assistance) could contact the Senior Center with their current contact information we would be most appreciative.  
Please contact Mary Collins at 781-293-2683.

Any of the information provided is used for the sole purpose of making our Fire and Police personnel aware of potential needs that could arise in emergency situations.

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