Sunday, February 22, 2015

Re-Opening Winter Recess 2/23/2015

Subject: Re-Opening Winter Recess
Good Afternoon, Whitman-Hanson Families:

With school resuming on Monday following the Winter Recess, we are contacting you with information about our schools due to the recent heavy snowfalls and frigid winter weather.  The Building Inspector for the Towns of Whitman and Hanson, Bob Curran, has determined that all seven schools in the Whitman-Hanson Regional School District are safe for occupancy. Throughout and after these storms, tons and tons of snow have been removed from sidewalks, roads, and the roofs of our school buildings. As a result of the storms, significant leaking has occurred in the 15 year old addition of the Duval School.  This leaking is being managed and carefully monitored.  Principal McKillop is sending a detailed message specifically to Duval families and staff today.

In spite of the ongoing storm clean-up, there remain high piles of snow, narrow streets, and reduced parking and visibility. Students should stay back from roadways while waiting for school buses. Due to the ongoing challenges of this onslaught of winter weather, we anticipate some delays tomorrow morning and greatly appreciate your patience. At this time, Whitman-Hanson has used eight snow days moving the last day of school to June 25.

We extend our deep appreciation to Facilities Manager, Ernie Sandland, the Facilities Department,  and the public safety officials of Whitman and Hanson for their tireless efforts to ensure the safety of our schools.

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